Pickleball 101

Pickleball Strategies for beginners

Pickleball Champion demonstrating a winning shot

Pickleball is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires a combination of skill, strategy, and athleticism. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, there are a few key strategies that can help you improve your game and increase your chances of winning. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most effective strategies for playing pickleball.

Keep the ball in play

One of the most important strategies in pickleball is to keep the ball in play as long as possible. This means that you should focus on making consistent shots and avoiding unforced errors. By keeping the ball in play, you’ll increase the chances of your opponent making a mistake, which can give you an opportunity to score.

Use a variety of shots

Another key strategy is to use a variety of shots to keep your opponent guessing. This can include using different speeds, spins, and angles to keep your opponent off balance. For example, you can use a soft dink shot to keep the ball low and slow, or you can use a powerful smash shot to put pressure on your opponent.

Focus on your footwork

Good footwork is essential for playing pickleball effectively. This means that you should focus on moving quickly and efficiently around the court. This will allow you to get to the ball faster, which can give you an advantage over your opponent.

Communicate with your partner

Pickleball is a doubles sport, which means that communication with your partner is essential. This means that you should make sure to talk to your partner during the game, so that you can coordinate your shots and move around the court more effectively.

Stay positive

Finally, it’s important to stay positive and keep a good attitude during the game. This means that you should focus on the present moment and not get too caught up in past mistakes or future outcomes. By staying positive, you’ll be able to play your best and increase your chances of winning.


Pickleball is a fun and challenging sport that requires a combination of skill, strategy, and athleticism. By following these winning strategies, you’ll be able to improve your game and increase your chances of winning. Remember to keep the ball in play, use a variety of shots, focus on your footwork, communicate with your partner, and stay positive. Happy playing!

For more articles about learning our favorite sport Pickleball. Visit our Pickleball 101 section.

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